Featured Artist
Food Vendors
Thank you to all our 2024 artists!
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Mujahid Abdul-Ba'eth - Elements of Still
Maggie Abercrombie - Hammer & Needle Heirlooms
Kalina Acosta - Seabunnyart
Erinn Adomanis - Grace A Mano
Tiffany Allman - Regalia By Tiffany
Lynn Anderson - All Washed Up Gems
Sandy Askey-Adams
Burton Aulisio - Galactic Art
Lauren Bacher - Wild Flower Findings
Susan Bankey Yoder
Ihor Barabakh - SEVERYN
Lauren Barbour - Built By The Lab
Courtney Barnard
Pamela Barrows - The Dragon's Liar Fiber Studio
Jackie Barry - Seaside Crystals Designs
Steve Bartkowski - StivPhotography
Samantha Bartlett - Samantha Bartlett Ceramics
Jeffery Beard - Jbiza Enterprises
Jean Dominique Bebak - Nature Bone Studio
Jennifer Becker - Jennifer Lynn Becker Fine Art
Skye Beckley - Glass Garden Resin
Alison Begala - Blck Cat Wht Rabbit
Kimberly Bender - Kimi Bee Originals
Shengzhu Bernardin - True Blue Collections Inc
Nilanjan Bhowmik - Earthen Creed
Gretchen Bidic - Gretchen Ann Fine Art
Kathy Bien - That Girl Who Paints
Patti Bishop - Patti Bishop Watercolors
Paris Bleicher
Tanya Bracey
Don’Tay Brady - A Flicker of Daisy Candle CO.
Carolyn Bradley - Py Art Studio
Olya Bragger - Classic Elegance
Lisa Brolis - EAO Craft Studio
Adam Brownstein - Perfect Prints
Nancy Bryant - Nancy Jane
Sandy Buccella - The Jewelry Boutique
Victoria Buckland - ToreyBucklandGlass
Jennifer Bunting - Arte Blanche Fine Arts
Kristin Burton - Kebaubles jewelry
Nancy Butler - Alley Cat Jewelry Studios
Deborah Butts - dbutts fine art
Lesley Campana - The Celtic Knot Studio
Marisa Canino - Marisa Canino Art
Jordan Caplan - JCaplan Art
Jon Carraher - Jon Carraher Artworks
Lisa Chambers - Delaware Bay Clay
Tom Chavanne - Chavanne's Jewelry
Katherine Cheetham - Katherine Cheetham Glass
Shawn Claypoole and Neil Claypoole - Jonathan's Spoons
Polly Clunes
Bryan Cohen
Diane Coleman - Walls With Intrigue
Rachel Coleman - Shy Fox
Catherine Colsher
Chris Costa - C.T. Costa Photography
Faith Costa - Faith Costa Original Artwork
Mary Coty - M.Coty Designs
Millie Crotty - Miss Millie Ceramics
John Teal Crutchfield - Metallic Art Graphics
Sarah Cuje
Jennifer Daggs - Kerensamere Studios
Pedro de Almeida - Upcycled Arts
Carey Del Buono - the beach and back
Rayna DeReus - Rayna.DeReus.Art
Linda Dickinson - Painted Sky Alpaca Farm
Laura DiGuiseppe - Sewsyamomma
Stephen Dill - Monocacy Forge
Lisa Drennen - Glass Bungalow
Dina du Pont - Illustrations by Dina du Pont
Tricia Eddis - The Wooden Wolf
Karen Eisenhuth - Grace Inspired Creations
Robin Ellis - FUNbeads by Robin
Kelly Ennis - The Woven Word
Allan Fausnaught - Woodland Woodworx
Miriam Feldman - Bling Things Jewelry
Rachelle Fletcher - Avalon Days
Janice Ford - Designs in Glass
Michele Foster-lucas
Tim Fox - High Low Farm
Marta Frankel - Emmas Fine Designs
Nadia Gavlishin - Nadia Design Co
Marquitha Gilbert - MaKaGi Inspired
Bobby GILES - Bobby que sauce
Naomi Girke - Bow Tie Atticus
Alicia Glenn - Artwork by Alicia
Kristi Gray - KG Tumblers
Gavin Hain - Old Town Wind Bells
Summer Hartenstine - Pink Moon
Maria & Thomas Healy - SUNDYES
Kelvin W Henderson - Fruits of the Spirit Fine Art
Harriet Hill - Harriet's Paintings
Betty Hostler - GoGoGarden
Elaine Hubbell - E-Lane Artistry
Gretchen Hulse - Crescent Moon clothing
Pam lobst - Pamela Iobst Designs
Sakreea Jackson - New Kreeation
Mary Jacobs - SSunkid Designs
Pamela Johnson - This Week with Pamela
Amy James - Unique Pewter
Chrissy Johnson - Chrissy's Crafty Creations
Matt Johnson - Drunken Bottle
Erin Kaleel - FEEL Handmade
Patti Kelly-Ortiz - Patti Kelly-Knitts
Jessica Kim - F+V Design Studio
DeVita King-Patoskky - PanacheD2 Art
Sharon Knapp - Essence of Nature
Kerry Koenig - Metatron's Child
Kathleen Lang - The Wearable Garden
Doug LaRocca - Doug LaRocca ART
John Lauritsen
Mary Lou Lawlor - Mary Lou's Moonspire Designs
Bonnie Layton - Bonnie Layton Design
Inge Ledden - The Cottage of Herbs
Laura Leone - Lldezigns
Edwin Lester - Artistedwinlester
Jessica Libor - Jessica Libor Studio
Freya Lockwood - C'est La Vie
Jack Long - Amazing Man
Julainne Long - JMLong Art
Chel Loughhead - Custom Inlays by Chel
Kim Lucas - Kim Lucas Art
Patricia Anne Luckey - Angel Quilts by Anne
Thomas Lunt - Fort Casimir Honey Company
Hali MacLaren - HKM Jewelry
Shanthi Manickam - Shanthi Manickam Art
Brian Marshall - Adopt-a-bot
Audrey Mason - Pottery Mason
Melissa Mattsson - Bath Bombs Baby
Breanne McCarthy - Breanne’s Blues
Bryan Mcelroy - Objectsbybryan
Phil McGrew and Peggy Deare - PixelWorks
Erin McKelvey - Climbing Branches
Diane Mc Neal - Buoy 24 Design Studio
Brandon McNeill
Emil Mellow - Emil A. Mellow II
Dayton Meyer - OttoWood Woodworking
Linda Moore and Jenny Trostel - Peaches Creations Shop
Hannah Morgan - Hannah Morgan Design
Gabe Moser - Surf Lotus
Mark Moss - seven barrels/east end foodies
Grace Mugala - Asante Art Gallery
Amy Muller - Salt Town Trading Co.
Mary Beth Nardy - MB Jewelry Designs
Jeffery Nelson - Hudson River Inlay
Joe Netta - Phynance Studio
George Neuberger - Works of Art
Joseph Nicolai - Big Joe's Honey
Sarah Obee - ArtPhire
Melissa Oberg - The Ceramic Knot
Steve Oliver
Heather Orkis - Heather Orkis Photography
Adijat Ope - Scarvelous
Beth Palser - Beth Palser Fine Art
Jill Payne - Vintage Petals
Barbara Peirce-Krusen - BPK Photography
Doug Perry - Philly Nuts
Rick Phillips - Rick Phillips Fine Art
Oksana Pivush
Velvet Poindexter - VP2 Designs
Stephanie Premich - Mud & Maker
Tanya Presberry - T Creative Conceptions
Cris Price - RAVEbandz
Joe Pruiti - NAWA Group llc
Brit Quinn - Wits Custom Workshop
Roberto Quintero Velez - Molas4u
Linda Rainey - Linda Rainey Pottery
Gwendolyn Redfern
Anne Resnick - Dingdog
Emma Reilly - Emma Reilly's Paintings and Prints
John Robinson - Robinsons Custom Woodworking
Timothy Robson - My Dog & Me Barkery and Boutique
Kelly Roche - ElleSEA Shoppe
Kerry Rohrbach - Jewelry by Kerry Rohrbach
Suzanne Rouleau - Joygrl Creative
Adam Roush - Covington Fragrance
Judith Ruediger - Doll-duds
Ron Saltzman - Ron Saltzman Fine Art Photography
Michael Safko - Tabletop Pottery by Ava
Nimrat Sandhu - Alchemy by Nimrat
Rick Sapovits - Richard Allen Woodworking
Adam Scales - Invisible Lens Photography
Bob Schamerhorn - iPhotoBirds
Christine Schabowski - Cha's Emporium
Randie Schoenberg -McConnell - Claybella.studio by Faye Daniel Designs
Michael Schwartz - Michael Schwartz Art
Mark Scott -Megalodon Shark Teeth
Brady Shuert - Hope's Caramels
Chelsey Sinclair - Sinclair Art Garage
Merle Slyhoff - Merle Slyhoff Pottery
Svetlana Smorodinova - FuzzyArtCo
Phillip Snead - RARE IMAJE ART
Bri Snyder - Spyder Design Co.
Maya Sortino - Sortino Co
Dave Stanwick - Blazing Bella Balsamic & Olive Oil
Mari Svoboda - Maribodamade
Jackie Swartz - JSS Designs
William Sweeney - billsweeneyart
Tina Tagher - Asante African Art
Morgan Taylor - Mo and Thyme
Malory Terranova-McGovern - Iskra Made
Jimmy Thompson - City Painting Group
Carrie Tipperreiter - Pottery by Carrie
Cheryl Titcher - Inspire Designed
Jeannine Toal - Jeannine I Dream
George Todd - Art by George Todd
Karen Trimble - Karen Trimble Fine Art
Bethany Tyndall - Local Waves Studio
Katelyn Umeroglu - Knot and Coil
Milda Vaitiekunaite - Mildavaitart
Kaveeta Vinaya Kumar
Thomas Von Koch - WGK Glass
Dolores Waddell - Fusions Taster’s Choice
Michael Wallace - Art By Michael A Wallace
Candace Wannamaker - Dog House Pottery
Debbie Warner - Beyond Words Nature Photography
Abe & Bonnie Warren - Handcrafted by Abraham Warren
Crae Washington - A Smashed Label
Lisa Westbrook - Lisa Westbrook Art
Devon Wheelock and Tyler Mock - Scented Dove Creations
Patricia Whitman - Links and Pearls
Erica Lynn Why
Bill Wierzalis - Italy in Color
Josh Williams - Redwood Durable
Nicolette Winnaar Smith - CraftyNici
Cindy Wright - Dings Bling
John Zeggert - The Art of John Zeggert
Eric Zippe - Eric Zippe Fine Art
Colleen Zufelt - Zufelt Designs
Featured Artist
Food Vendors